Music & Lyrics © 1988 Peter D. McLean   
(all rights reserved)

Hockley Valley House * Orangeville, Ontario

This was my second recording on the kind of gear that would allow me to do arrangements - very lo-fi by today's home-recording standards but pretty good at the time.
(When the Korg M1 first came out I went to a workshop on it in Richmond Hill to try and wrap my head around what this new-fangled thing would do. There were only 5 of us in the workshop and one of them was they keys guy from Glass Tiger - big Canadian act at the time)
Anyways ...I had a video in my head of secretaries wearing black eyeglasses sitting on the limbs of trees with notepads on their laps wagging their choreographed legs in time with the music. I still like the guitar solo I played as well as the line, "she leaps tall men in a single bound", but other than that ... there is something very off about me, a 70 year old, continuing to call a song like this his own.

Hockley House * 1988 * Orangeville, Ontario * 4-trk Fostex Portastudio * Korg M1 Sequencer



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