Music & Lyrics © 2016 Peter D. McLean   
(all rights reserved)

Aboard our 30' sailboat, 'Evenstar' * Keats Island Marine Park * 2016

I woke up at 5:00 with a line of lyric in my head then lay there for an hour until I had a whole song. Got up, wrote it down, picked up Julie's guitar, and went into the cockpit to play it. There was no melody, chord structure or rhythm ... the only thought I had was that it would be in a major key. Probably the weirdest circumstance for me as a songwriter ever ... I just started playing, my fingers chose a minor chord, the rhythm was immediately there, then the melody took the lyrics and ran with them. I felt like a day-care attendant. Thankfully, Julie hit 'Record' on her iPhone and the Oyster Catcher birds threw in some bg's. Eventually I loaded the audio into Logic and threw down some simple accompaniment ... pretty loose but I like it for now.

Song Demo * Julie's iPhone * Logic Audio Overdubs



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